What tuition assistance is available?
GMYS understands that encouraging young musicians is a significant financial commitment for their families which may be a burden for some families. We have a long-standing policy of providing need-based tuition assistance so that no student is turned away for inability to pay. All families who need assistance paying full tuition are invited to apply. Tuition assistance awards are made on the basis of income and family size. Families are asked to complete a Tuition Assistance Application and provide a copy of their federal income tax return. For those who qualify, awards cover from 25% to 100% of the cost of tuition. 12% to 30% of GMYS students receive tuition assistance each year.
How is orchestra placement decided?
We hold auditions at the beginning of each semester. We strongly believe there is a place for every young musician who applies. Once auditions have taken place, students are placed in one of our three orchestras. This placement is based on a number of factors including, playing level, years of experience, and age.
Where does GMYS rehearse?
The GMYS orchestras rehearse at the Capitol City Grange:
6612 VT-12, Berlin, VT 05602
What is a typical semester like at GYMS?
We have two semesters at GMYS. Our Fall semester is from September - December. Our Spring semester is from January - April. We meet on Saturdays for a total of 11-13 rehearsals per semester.
What performance opportunities are there at GMYS?
Each semester, all three of our orchestras perform in a final concert at the Barre Opera House. Final concerts are typically on the last Sunday of the semester at 2 pm. We also hold open rehearsals at the Capitol City Grange once a month. We are planning to add outreach concerts to schools and assisted living homes in the future!
I have a very busy schedule! Can I still join GMYS?
We recognize that the life of a young person can get quite busy! Our attendance policy allows for three (3) absences per semester to accommodate folks who might have sporting events, school obligations, family plans, etc.
We ask that you communicate with us ahead of time so we can make plans for rehearsals you might miss.
Who can answer other questions that I have?
Please feel free to email us with questions any time at info@gmys-vt.org.